NEVER SHALL I FORGET that night, the first night in camp, that turned my life into one long night seven times sealed.
Never shall I forget that smoke.
Never shall I forget the small faces of the children whose bodies I saw transformed into smoke under a silent sky.
Never shall I forget those flames that consumed my faith forever.
Never shall I forget the nocturnal silence that deprived me for all eternity of the desire to live.
Never shall I forget those moments that murdered my God and my soul and turned my dreams to ashes,
Never shall I forget those things, even were I condemned to live as long as God himself.
-Elie Wiesel, Night
The poem above is what Elie Wiesel said described the first moments when he first entered the Auschwitz death camp and saw babies being dumped off a truck into a crematorium. This was just one of the many atrocities that happened during the Holocaust. Our website is devoted to the many atrocities of genocide. The Holocaust is the most well known genocide where many Jews, gypsies, homosexuals, and prisoners of war died. We have made a website honoring victims of the Holocaust and other genocides by telling the fascinating stories of their lives. The reason we made this website dedicated to victims of the Holocaust and other genocides is to educate people about genocide. We also made this website to prevent genocide from happening again by telling the stories of individual victims. As Holocaust survivors continue to get older very few people will be able to hear their stories firsthand and it’s our responsibility to pass the survivors’ stories along to other generations.
Each student has chosen a victim of genocide to honor on this website. Each victim has a page telling their story, and a shadow box containing important artifacts from their life. Students also wrote poems and created movies using words from the book Night, by Elie Wiesel.
Instead of just saying that a lot of people died we have researched more about genocide to find the stories of individual victims so that people can really understand the effects that genocide has on individuals as actual people with normal lives, not just a mass group. We want to pass on the victims' stories because they know how cruel human beings can be. They also know what it is like to be dehumanized and to lose their families just because of unfair stereotypes about their race or religion.
As one of the last generations that will be able to hear Holocaust survivors' stories first hand we have a responsibility to commemorate the victims of this horrible event. The Holocaust did happen and we can learn about it to make sure an event like this never happens again. Our website looks at the effect of the Holocaust on individuals as people before the genocide, not just as prisoners in a camp, and tells their stories as actual stories not as biographies. Telling about individual victims allows their stories to really live on in our hearts so we can learn what genocide makes people feel like, instead of just learning of genocide as statistics on paper. Enjoy the website and keep the victims' stories in your heart.
Never shall I forget that smoke.
Never shall I forget the small faces of the children whose bodies I saw transformed into smoke under a silent sky.
Never shall I forget those flames that consumed my faith forever.
Never shall I forget the nocturnal silence that deprived me for all eternity of the desire to live.
Never shall I forget those moments that murdered my God and my soul and turned my dreams to ashes,
Never shall I forget those things, even were I condemned to live as long as God himself.
-Elie Wiesel, Night
The poem above is what Elie Wiesel said described the first moments when he first entered the Auschwitz death camp and saw babies being dumped off a truck into a crematorium. This was just one of the many atrocities that happened during the Holocaust. Our website is devoted to the many atrocities of genocide. The Holocaust is the most well known genocide where many Jews, gypsies, homosexuals, and prisoners of war died. We have made a website honoring victims of the Holocaust and other genocides by telling the fascinating stories of their lives. The reason we made this website dedicated to victims of the Holocaust and other genocides is to educate people about genocide. We also made this website to prevent genocide from happening again by telling the stories of individual victims. As Holocaust survivors continue to get older very few people will be able to hear their stories firsthand and it’s our responsibility to pass the survivors’ stories along to other generations.
Each student has chosen a victim of genocide to honor on this website. Each victim has a page telling their story, and a shadow box containing important artifacts from their life. Students also wrote poems and created movies using words from the book Night, by Elie Wiesel.
Instead of just saying that a lot of people died we have researched more about genocide to find the stories of individual victims so that people can really understand the effects that genocide has on individuals as actual people with normal lives, not just a mass group. We want to pass on the victims' stories because they know how cruel human beings can be. They also know what it is like to be dehumanized and to lose their families just because of unfair stereotypes about their race or religion.
As one of the last generations that will be able to hear Holocaust survivors' stories first hand we have a responsibility to commemorate the victims of this horrible event. The Holocaust did happen and we can learn about it to make sure an event like this never happens again. Our website looks at the effect of the Holocaust on individuals as people before the genocide, not just as prisoners in a camp, and tells their stories as actual stories not as biographies. Telling about individual victims allows their stories to really live on in our hearts so we can learn what genocide makes people feel like, instead of just learning of genocide as statistics on paper. Enjoy the website and keep the victims' stories in your heart.